Archive for Church

Move over Pasir Ris park…

because West Coast Park is about to take your place!

The only problem of course, as its name suggests, is its inaccessbility. Otherwise, the place has all the works – different sections of various playground equiptment, sprawling open fields, footpaths and wheelpaths and a cooling sea breeze. Of course, there’s the unmistakable “M” sign signaling burgers, fries and 70cents icecream.

For those of you who know me, you must be raising your eyebrows by now because the last place Kat would go to is a PARK. HA HA HA.

(Which I don’t deny.)

Ok, so the only reason why I went to West Coast Park is because there was a Sunday School outing in conjunction with Childrens’ Day and I, for those of you who do not know, am a Sunday School teacher! (:

After some songs, a sharing and feasting on all-things-unhealthy from Macs, the kids were set free and boy, did they run loose! I went to the Flying Fox section to help out because the seats were too high for the kids and it didn’t actually glide across all the way. So the poor teachers, namely myself, Fiona and later on Benny and Ai Cheng, had to brave the scorching sun (we were playing at 1:30 in the afternoon) to carry the kids onto the seat, push them, drag them across, get them off and get the next kid on. *phew*

After the kids decided it was too hot to carry on (finally!) we all ran for the shade for gulps of water and kids being kids, with their unidentifiable and insatiable source of energy, ran to the open fields for a game of catch and frisbee. Haha. Later we joined them for Dog and Bone and a really random game of relay where I ran my first dash in about 6 years.

Needless to say, I’m aching all over right now. But hey, it was fun and the kids were lovely.

Gosh. I might actually be changing my perception towards these little rascals.


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All Grown Up

It’s quite funny how so many of us are not looking at the camera.



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Memories on the Mountains…

I actually just wanted to post “Avenue Q is open for booking!” but after watching the church camp photo video montage (mum requested to see it on our tv), I felt like sharing a little bit about the camp.

Even before the camp, God was already teaching me much, especially since I was in-charge of games (again) this year. During one of the committee meetings, I remember the committee members saying they wanted something more from the games this year, like a “structured experience” not just for the finale night game but also on Wednesday night, leading up to the must-have-without-fail fruit fair.

It seemed like a good and exciting idea at that time, but little did Jun Qiang and myself realise how much work we had gotten ourselves into.

I met up with Amanda one evening to discuss games and we sat at Starbucks for hours cracking our heads. How were we going to make the program seamlessly move into the game? How were we going to involve all the campers? Were they going to get the game? Were they even going to realise the game has started?

Thank God that by the end of the night, we did come up with something. By then, we were exhausted and a gallon of creative juices had been wrung dry.

The finale night planning was the worst. Busy schedules prevented the games committee (made up Jun Qiang, Amanda, Nat and myself) from really getting together and brain-storming. Things dragged on until we really started panicking two Sundays before the camp. I remember we had a meeting after church until 3pm and then met again at Jun Qiang’s house at 6.30pm. That meeting (including dinner of course) lasted way after 11pm. Once again, another exhausting and frustrating meeting, but at least we accomplished the basic storyline. Haha. And thanks to Jun Qiang, we all got sent home!

During the camp, all three games, including the indoor games on the second day, were each different learning experiences in itself.

For the indoor games, after a particular game, our super-competitive campers started a rather big dispute with regards to the rules of the game. I, honestly, was taken aback and quite confused as to how I should address the situation. But thank God for my other game com members who were a little less confused and more calm than me. We huddled together and came to an agreed solution that although didn’t appease everyone, allowed the games to carry on and everyone continued having fun.

The fruit fair game was the most trying for me. While planning, Amanda and I overlooked a lot of details that were never addressed even during the game itself. A lot of miscommunication, hiccups and a lack of foresight led to a very messy start, hasty changes during the game and a dramatic ending. I was at my wits end and very very very discouraged at how everything was turning out. While I was in my corner as the “banker”, I remember just wanting to cry.

But every time I wanted to, someone would show up at my “bank”, or a committee member would say that the campers are actually having fun and getting the game, or an encourager would appear with assuring words. Looking back, I realise perhaps how childish I was to let my emotions so easily overwhelm me when the situation really wasn’t that bad. I do take myself too seriously at times and tend to take the entire blame when something goes wrong. But when it all ended, I had even more encouraging words, thank yous and a hug from a friend.

The finale was well-worth all our time and effort. I wouldn’t say it went smoothly without a hitch (as again, there had to be so many last minute changes) but it was fun fun fun. Even though we always have a drama night at every church camp, I think we brought a little something this time, involving everyone from start to finish.

Most importantly, God touched my heart during the camp again. Besides the games, God made sure I had a lesson to learn from each day’s message. Being “Complete in Christ” took on a whole new meaning for me. And I thank God, it wasn’t just a “church camp high”, but a feeling that is still burning in my heart.

Though many things happened throughout the camp, I still want to go back to the mountains with its cold morning breeze, the cool serenity, God’s creation surrounding me, the clean crisp mountain air, the delicious scones and of course, the memories.

Next June, anyone?


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Random Church Camp Photographs!

Just because my blog is getting a little too serious and too boring…

amanda and i with a gorgeous hilltop view behind

my long-suffering games com members – nat & amanda

me, fiona & stephanie @ the BOH tea plantation

eating ice cream in cameron highlands – cold weather + ice cream = doubly happy kat!

me & kenneth @ Bala’s Inn waiting for our scones to arrive!

fooling around with the “tv” nat drew for drama night – notice the height difference!

More peektures when I get them from my bro!


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Thanking God for the Little Little Things…

Most of the time, we take things for granted that we don’t realise it’s actually God at work.

Caught up with quite a few things to do, I couldn’t join the girls earlier at 2pm for the Sisters’ Retreat. I smsed Estee and she told me about worship and workshop happening later at 7:45pm. But by the time it got to around 5pm, I was just so “nua” and lazy to go all the way down to church (this is serious laziness speaking here, since church is just a straight bus and 15 minutes away). Then, we got a call from my cousin Dennis who said he was popping by. Hmm, I thought to myself, excuse not to go because I’ve got visitors!

Initially, they had only planned to stay for a while as they were due for dinner at home at 7:30pm. Interestingly, they decided to stay till my dad came home at around 7:15pm. And that’s when Dennis offered to send me down to church.

Honestly, if he hadn’t offered, I think I would have been perfectly contented to stay at home and justify it with some crappy reason. But thank God Dennis came because I had a good time with my two nieces (laughing our heads off at Mr. Bean and talking about Hannah Montana, Cory in the House, Zack and Cody, iCarly and the Jonas Brothers) and of course, the free ride down to church!

I also felt apprehensive about going for the sisters’ retreat but those worries were quelled the minute I got there. I haven’t been to YF for the longest time ever and was worried about not being able to talk with the younger sisters. Thankfully, Amanda was there and the younger sisters were so sweet, talkative, funny and friendly. Strangely enough, I felt like a big sister! Haha. Definitely not in terms of size though. :p

We had a good, albeit short, time worshipping God together with our beautiful voices, embarrassing ourselves while playing games and listening to Stephanie share during the workshop. She shared about emotions and how even Christians (and not just hormone-raging teenagers) have trouble controlling their emotions. I couldn’t agree more with her…

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Spanish Sensation

Saturday night was pretty fun and hot hot hot!

Us girls from the office were supposed to meet at 7.30pm at city hall but not so surprisingly, everyone was late, except, surprisingly, Lili. Haha. When I arrived at about 10minutes late, she was already there. Shiqi said she was “on the way”, Karen was still at the Esplanade after her rehearsals, Charmaine was on the way too and Tracy totally forgot we were meeting for dinner (despite being the one who set the timing, according to Lili).

After all the waiting and indecisions over dinner, I finally got to put something in my tummy at about 8.45pm at Cedele. Not very fantastic food actually. The focaccia was lovely but the chicken was crumbly and dry and my avocado was a measly 2 slices (as you can guess, I ordered the chicken and avocado sandwich). To make matters worse, the iced tea was left un-syruped but we, including Charmaine and Lili who also ordered drinks, were too lazy to walk over to the counter and get the syrup. Haha. How lazy could we get…

But all the time wasting and passing had a good thing come out of it – JY was about to cab down from Orchard to meet me! Yay!

Mel was fantastic during the dance. I’m not exactly being biased here, just ask anyone else. I think she was the most into the dance, most intense (you should have seen her killer expression!) and appeared to have the most passion for it too. But ok. Perhaps it helped that she does have Spanish blood and is ang mo. Haha. The other dancers were Japanese and locals, so I guess it seem relatively strange to see them doing such a forceful and sultry dance. And overall, kudos to all of them from the dance class!

Unfortunately, I had to leave early (it was already past 11pm) as I had church the next day. Also, it was my turn to teach Sunday School. The teaching went ok, despite my disrupting cough and Uncle Alex handing out Prize Giving photographs to the kids (which I got too! Sadly, it’s also my last…) which was really PRAISE GOD! No doubt I was nervous, especially about potentially teaching the kids wrong things about God and what the bible passage was saying, but thankfully all went well. I did stumble here and there because really, I’m not used to talking to small kids much less teaching them. I found it tough having to think of ways to phrase and structure my thoughts into a sentence that 3 primary 4 kids could understand. Well. One lesson down, 5 more to go!

JY came to church to meet me after class and it was fun just hanging around before we left for lunch with my family. Glad that we managed to drag my brother along too. Initially JY planned to treat everyone to Carl’s Junior but interestingly enough, my mum wanted Cafe Cartel. Haha. The menu has changed considerably since they first started, but more or less remains the same in terms of what sort of food they offer. Not too fantastic though, considering the prices, but not that bad or inedible either.

Since we were at Marina, we just had to stop by Gloria Jeans to pick up a cup of $2 coffee. Haha. So cheapo. But honestly, for a non-coffee drinker like me who would not pay $5 for a cup, this $2 gimmick really works. Then again, I’m sure it works for most bargain-hunting Singaporeans.

Oh and I also picked up a pair of shoes from Primavera! Bright and cheerful in yellow, perfect for spring!

Anyway, enough talk and on with the peektures!

Mel and her husband, Cuong

My (un)lucky draw stub.

Ladies dressed in an assortment of colours and polka dots!

Finally, after waiting for an hour, Mel’s performance starts…


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Teach me how to bake…

First up, as usual, do accept my apologies for the lack of posts. Its not that I don’t have anything to talk about. It’s just that I’m plain lazy. Heh.

Secondly, my sincere apologies to Jim for forgetting his birthday! (It was on the 19th of march by the way…). To make it worse, BOTH Amanda and I forgot about it. Heh. So sorry fella. You know we both didn’t mean to.

And so to make it up to him, we decided we would do a little celebration for him on Sunday. Amanda would get the card and I would get the cake.

To show my sincerity, I decided to bake the birthday cake instead of merely handing over a few notes in exchange for a run-of-the-mill cake from the local bakery.

It’s been a while since I baked actually. I never really got down to doing it as much as I wanted to. Partly because the ingredients themselves was going to cost quite a bit and there never really was any good reason to bring out all the pots, pans, equipment and not forgetting all that washing and cleaning up to be done.

I baked Jim quite a large slab of brownie. I must say it turned out pretty good. I was quite impressed really. The brownie wasn’t typically sweet (i.e cloying and sore-throat inducing) but turned out with a yummy crusty top, moist centre and just the right sweetness. It probably had to do with the use of dark chocolate instead of the usual semi-sweet chocolate chips. Delicious stuff, I would definitely bake it again…some other time.

To complete the cake, Amanda and I arranged the letters J-I-M with mini-smarties. Simple and yet provided that personal touch to a plain ol’ brownie. Pictures are with those two so you’ll just have to wait till one of them remembers to send it (or rather, bluetooth it) to me!

Happy (belated) Birthday again Jim! We still owe you a 23rd birthday present!

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