Archive for November, 2008

Hey ho! Its the Weekends!

But I’m feeling a little under the weather. Bah. Hum bug.

Nonetheless, its the weekends!

Kicked it off yesterday with my parents, brother and JY at MOF for my parents’ 34th wedding anniversary. Looking at them, it really seems easy to make a marriage last so long but I know it comes with its fair share of hard work, patience and God’s love shared between them to make it work, and make it worthwhile. Even after 34 years of being together, they still crack jokes about each other (especially my dad, who sometimes makes the lamest comments which everyone else except my mum understands. go figure.) and have lots of fun moments together. Here’s wishing dad and mum many more happy years together!

Company was fun and the food was good. Portion-wise and taste-wise the food was above average and after discount (I’m an MOF member!) the bill came up to $137 for 5 people who each had a main course and dessert + 1 serving of salmon sashimi + 1 serving of soft shell crab. Value for money no? And there was a $10 voucher as well!

So its Saturday today but I’m be stuck at home with a runny nose and because JY is off for the whole afternoon at some church meeting. Boo. But we’ll all be going to the airport tonight to see my mum off – she’s going to Israel with 33 other church members! Sigh. So fun. I really wanted to go too but I just started work and have no leave to take, unless of course I take no paid leave which I really don’t think I can afford (no pun intended) to do. Oh well. Hopefully I’ll be well enough, or at least whine enough, to be allowed to eat Popeyes later. Heeheehee. I hope they finally have the biscuits!

Work-wise, I’m still trudging through. Well, it’s ok I guess. *shrugs*. I feel bad that I’m only doing it because the economy is a mess right now. But I guess journalism will still be my first love. Guess one should never start by working with a magazine as one’s first job and be spoilt by the fast-pace, crazy-deadline-driven but filled with fun and perks job scope of being a writer with a lifestyle magazine! Doing the food section was just the final sweet-chocolate-dipped cherry on the top.

The week definitely did have its little highlights though. Tuesday night I met JY for dinner and managed to score a pair of pants and a shirt on sale at Esprit. Especially exciting about that was the pants which I had already eyed previously before the sale, but they didn’t have my size. But now, it was on sale and in my size! Haha. Cheap thrill I know, but every dollar counts!

Another highlight would be buying JY his really early Christmas present – UM1 earphones + govibe martini headphone amp. Its just a really expensive and high-class pair of earphones for the budding audiophile in JY. Haha. But the good news is, I got myself a free pair of PINK bijou in-earphones! It was a gift from the shop owner, “Uncle WIlson” who says my good deed should be rewarded. Haha. But hey, it came at the right time because my ipod earphones are peeling and God knows I wouldn’t spend a single cent getting a replacement pair, much less on a pair of $70 in-earphones!


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Its time to trudge through yet another week…

Sunday afternoons after sunday school teaching is done and lunch is over is when the most aweful (why is it “awe-ful” when there’s nothing about it that would make me in awe of?) feeling of the entire week sets in – Monday is coming and there’s nothing you can do about it.

It’s going to be week 3 tomorrow and I have this sick feeling in my stomach. I have absolutely no idea where it came from but then again, I am known to be a worry-wot. (Just ask JY. ok, then again, maybe you shouldn’t.)

I didn’t have a particularly good week 2 at work which possibly explains the annoying tummy knots. And I didn’t get what I wanted over the weekend (due to practicality taking over self-indulgence) and here I am on a Sunday evening counting down the hours till bed time and then waking up to another gloomy Monday.

But I did have a really fun Friday night out with michele and gina at Timbre (oh the delicious thin crust parma ham pizza and ice-cold pina colada) catching up, making a fool of ourselves, laughing at stupid little puns and realising we’re all getting older in terms of responsibilities but remaining the same in terms of character. Saturday was fun too – JY and I went to Chinatown where I felt like a tourist and got to enjoy my favourite $1 pineapple drink!

Well, they say you can’t feel the pleasure without the pain and I guess the weekday working hours are the perfect candidates of pain. At least I have fun colleagues and a tee-and-jeans dress code I definitely can abide by. And I have dinner with my ex-colleagues this Friday and a wedding to attend on Saturday.

Ho hum. I guess I might as well enjoy the rest of Sunday evening.

Enjoy your last few hours of the weekend!


(bleah. i always wait take too long to decide on getting smthg. now the 7 for all mankind organic jeans i want has no more size 24. pfftttt.)

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Let’s just say I’m Hanging in there.

So a week has gone by of my most uneventful start to the new job.

What has happened within the last five days?

Nothing much. Literally.

Take for example yesterday. I did absolutely nothing the entire day save for spending 20 minutes proofreading a brochure and rewriting two sentences. And going out for lunch of course. Come 6.10pm, I go into the AEs’ room and ask if they still need my help before I go home for the day. Lo and behold, I have to stay back and wait for the client to make changes, approve, make changes, wait for the designer to make the changes, send over the changes and wait for approval. The best part is the client was uncontactable till 7pm and the to and fro change-making (which was nothing like what Obama pushed for) took forever and I had to further do-nothing for another hour – just so I could proofread 6 powerpoint slides worth of information. I left the office at 7.40pm.

It’s not that I mind staying back late but it’s fine if I’m busy rather than me having done absolutely nothing the entire day but yet you hold me back an extra 2 hours just for 5 minutes of my time to proofread your simple document.

It’s extremely annoying, super inefficient and doesn’t make sense to me. To the person who told me “Welcome to the working world”, this is ridiculous and nothing like its supposed to be. You may be able to take being bored out of your wits for 8 hours straight and then work long after office hours but I’m sorry, that is not the way it should be.

I’ll go back for week 2, just to make sure I’ve tried it out. In the meantime, it’s back to looking around for another job. Darn the slumping economy and darn my bad luck with jobs.


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First Day at Work…and I already feel like giving up.

I didn’t do much today.

It all started off with me arriving at 8:50am because I was told office hours is from 9 – 6. But no one came to open the door until 9:10am.

Went in and more waiting took place and I waited for others to come in and pass me work to do.

I had to rewrite an entire advertorial for a furniture centre with no material at hand, save for the internet. Thankfully I managed to find a press release off the internet or I’d be entirely bluffing me way through without any facts.

Problem is, I think I have no confidence in my writing. I kept reading through again and again and again what I wrote. It seemed ok I guess. Definitely not fantastic. But I was so nervous about it to the point that I dare not to send it to my boss.

It doesn’t help that I’m literally sitting in the middle of nowhere. The design department has its cluster of desks on one side and the account execs have their little room at the other side. Me? I’m in the middle of both groups at a desk with nothing surrounding me. No one to talk to, nowhere to hide when I’m feeling under.

And I still have to contend with learning how to use a mac.

I don’t know. Maybe things will get better, maybe things won’t.

We’ll just have to wait and see. And hear what the boss has to say about my pathetic first piece of work.

Not a great way to start.


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Work starts tomorrow.

Most ironically though.


Not particulary excited about it.
I feel like I’m actually taking it up because the economy doesn’t look like its gonna pick up anytime soon and I’m quickly securing a job.


But it is something I do wanna do – that is to WRITE.

So we’ll see how the first day goes.

At least I have a friend there already.

Oh well.

But I’m so not looking forward to the sardine-hour in the mrt.


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