Archive for September, 2008

Move over Pasir Ris park…

because West Coast Park is about to take your place!

The only problem of course, as its name suggests, is its inaccessbility. Otherwise, the place has all the works – different sections of various playground equiptment, sprawling open fields, footpaths and wheelpaths and a cooling sea breeze. Of course, there’s the unmistakable “M” sign signaling burgers, fries and 70cents icecream.

For those of you who know me, you must be raising your eyebrows by now because the last place Kat would go to is a PARK. HA HA HA.

(Which I don’t deny.)

Ok, so the only reason why I went to West Coast Park is because there was a Sunday School outing in conjunction with Childrens’ Day and I, for those of you who do not know, am a Sunday School teacher! (:

After some songs, a sharing and feasting on all-things-unhealthy from Macs, the kids were set free and boy, did they run loose! I went to the Flying Fox section to help out because the seats were too high for the kids and it didn’t actually glide across all the way. So the poor teachers, namely myself, Fiona and later on Benny and Ai Cheng, had to brave the scorching sun (we were playing at 1:30 in the afternoon) to carry the kids onto the seat, push them, drag them across, get them off and get the next kid on. *phew*

After the kids decided it was too hot to carry on (finally!) we all ran for the shade for gulps of water and kids being kids, with their unidentifiable and insatiable source of energy, ran to the open fields for a game of catch and frisbee. Haha. Later we joined them for Dog and Bone and a really random game of relay where I ran my first dash in about 6 years.

Needless to say, I’m aching all over right now. But hey, it was fun and the kids were lovely.

Gosh. I might actually be changing my perception towards these little rascals.


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While job hunting, I came across this…

I hope they find one really soon!

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Clearing Out the Cobwebs

Sorry I haven’t really been blogging lately. I just don’t feel like doing it. Like, I don’t really know what to say or perhaps have anything worthy to say. Ho-hum.

Anyway, I’ve just been doing a lot of “staying-at-home” and “meeting-people” recently with Suntec being the place to do that.

While my brother was away in Cambodia for his mission trip, JY and I met up with Elliott to catch the Man Utd vs Liverpool match last Saturday. It was quite amusing (not the match) to say nonetheless, because we had such a laugh even before meeting up with Elliott. The thing is, we decided to eat at Harry’s, BUT we didn’t specify which one. Hence, Elliott happily rushed all the way to the one at the esplanade. The funny thing was, JY was on the phone with Elliott giving him directions and Elliott somehow was following it, and JY was waving to a person whom he thought was Elliott. HAHAHA. Hilarious. But then again, given that it happened between these two, really, is no surprise. Heehee.

Another reason for eating at Harry’s? Those two wanted to play Woofball. Haha. To quickly explain it, basically you get into this transparent beachball thingy and they fill it up with air then push you onto the water. I don’t really know what the point is, but I’m guessing its to try and stand up and run like a hamster in the ball. Haha. No easy feat! JY managed to do it (applause please!) but came out all sweaty, tired and ready to puke out his pork chop and Kilkenny beer. Haha. Hmm, I haven’t really answered why Harry’s right. Well, the thing is, you need to spend $30 in a single receipt for a chance to play. So the boys came up with a brilliant (in their own opinion) idea of ordering food at Harry’s, watching the match until half time, ask for the bill, grab the receipt, run out to play Woofball, then come back and finish watching the match. Haha. BOYS!

We met up again with Elliott, this time with Janet and my brother, on Wednesday just so we all could play Woofball again. Haha. Unfortunately (or because no one believed me) Woofball closes at 8pm everyday (See! I told you all so!) we couldn’t play. The funny thing was they decided to use the same plan of ordering at Harry’s, getting the reciept and then playing then coming back to eat (smarter this time to play before eating!). So it was Suntec again and Harry’s again.

And yesterday, for the first time in 3 years, I met up with JY’s Singapore Poly friends at (where else?) Suntec’s to eat Sizzlers. Hahahahaa. It’s been ages since I last ate at Sizzlers. The food was alright (but don’t order the Salmon) and the salad bar was decent (I love egg salad!) but the company was excellent. Haha. Really fun, genuine, witty and friendly people. Looking forward to the next meeting to try out our little *ahem* experiment at Raffles City Robinsons!

You’d think I would steer clear of Suntec but lo and behold, I’m going back there again this Saturday to play Woofball. Hahaha. Unbelievable. No more eating at Harry’s please! (Their fish&chips is delish though – fresh fish, huge portion of fries & lotsa tartare sauce!)


For those of you who still don’t know, I’ve given up my post at the magazine because of too many issues that shall not be disclosed here.

That means I’ve been unemployed for the last 3 weeks or so. Haha. It feels weird actually. Like suddenly I’m worrying about my dwindling bank account and where the money is going to come from.

Job hunting has been kinda slack because, I’ll admit, on my part I am being very picky. But you can’t blame me too much either since I’ve tasted the good, sweet and tasty (pun intended) life of being in the media and doing food at that. So I’ve been pretty narrow-minded when it comes to picking a potential job.

I did go for an interview two weeks ago but it ended up not being what I was looking for. I don’t mean to sound condescending or arrogant but I can’t see myself enjoying or even having a flair for writing in that particular area. Hehhhhh.

I’ve just sent in my resume to another company, so, we’ll just see how things go. I’m really hoping to get this position though as it sounds exactly like what I wanna do and the office is in a super convenient location. Watch this space for updates!


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Home Alone

For those who don’t know, my parents are away holidaying in Sydney leaving me, my brother and my dog behind.

It’s been four days (since Friday night) and I must admit, I do miss them.

I miss the company, and just having them around. All the routines especially, like the 6 o’clock hot pot of my mum’s concoction of tea with milo and whatever yummy tea time treats she bought that day.

Most of all, I miss my mum’s cooking. Eating out is fun and all, but nothing beats home-cooked food, especially from Aunty Daisy’s kitchen. I’ve told everyone – I always look forward to coming home for dinner. It may be something as simple as steamed meat, fried egg and stir fried vegetables, but it still tastes better than anything out there. Even if its leftovers for lunch or dinner the next day, you hardly hear any complains from me, my brother or my dad!

Oh well. But I am glad they’re enjoying themselves over in Sydney. Haha. They’ve also been sending over pictures and emails which is really quite fun to receive and read! Also, I can’t wait for all the Aussie goodies (TimTams, Krispy Kremes and Donna Hay Chocolates!) to reach our sunny shores!

Alrighty. My brother is back with ta pao-ed dinner of ban mien. Steaming hot, just nice for the cold cold weather.

Oh, before I forget, I’ve got an interview next week! Woohoo!


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